Sunday, March 14, 2010

Post-Worout Fuel

Without a doubt, recovery nutrition is vital to your sports performance. Think of your muscles similar to a wet sponge post-workout. The sooner you re-fuel, the quicker your body will recover so that you can get back on the playing field in top shape with physical and mental energy to burn. The optimal window of opportunity to re-fuel is 15-30 minutes post-exercise. If you wait too long to re-fuel, it will take your body that much longer to recover. The post-workout fuel should be rich in carbohydrates with a small amount of protein. Many people consume way too much protein after their workouts. The typical male can only absorb 20-30 grams of protein every 3-4 hours and the typical female 14-24 grams of protein. Others choose poor nutrient food choices like sweets, chips, and high-calorie beverages and artery clogging saturated fats and artificial trans-fats. Remember, carbohydrates are the preferred food for fuel for your muscles AND your brain. When choosing your post-workout recovery fuel, keep the following tips in mind:

Tip 1: Fuel within 15-30 minutes post-workout- especially if you are exercising on consecutive days.

Tip 2: Go for a carbohydrate-protein mix with a ratio between 2:1 and 3:1 of carbohydrates to protein. Excellent carbohydrate choices include whole grains, fruits, veggies, beans, and low-fat milk or yogurt. A few post work-out fuel choices include the following:
•Whole grain bagel (or 2 slices of whole grain bread) with natural peanut butter
•Low-fat chocolate milk with either a banana or granola bar
•Glucose-electrolyte sports drinks like PowerAde with a sports bar like Kashi, Luna, or Cliff.
•String cheese and a handful of whole grain crackers
•Handful of trail mix and water
•A yogurt parfait with yogurt, berries, and granola
•V-8 juice and a turkey sandwich

Tip 3: Hydrate. For every 1 pound lost, you need to drink 2-3 cups (16-24 ounces) of fluid.

Whether it is the post-workout snack or consuming 2-4 snacks a day depending upon your daily energy needs, the majority of active people, especially athletes, need to make the time to snack smart- especially post-workout. Smart snacking increases energy levels and enhances sport and exercise performance, helps maintain body weight and blood sugar levels- thereby decreasing the risk of bingeing on high-fat, high-sugar foods.

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