Monday, December 28, 2009

Prevent the Holiday Bulge with the Post-Workout Snack

With the holiday season upon us, we are easily bombarded with opportunities to overeat. For most, holiday eating begins at Halloween and ends after the first of the New Year- hence the weight gain. Research has found that the typical holiday weight gain is approximately 1.36 pounds and not the reported 7-10 pounds! However, the difficult part is taking off the weight each year. While it’s great to enjoy good food, conversation, and football games on t.v. with family and friends, it’s important to continue healthy lifestyle habits during this crazy, and for some, stressful time of the year.

With the added exposure to holiday fare, exercise should not be ignored. The “E” in exercise should stand for “Enjoyment.” And how much exercise is recommended in a week? Per the United States Department of Agriculture guidelines, 60 minutes every day is recommended. My personal recommendation is to engage in physical activity most days of the week for 30-60 minutes each day. Where the confusion lies is in the post-workout snack.

One common mistake most people make is not eating anything after their workouts- thereby increasing the risk of overeating 2-3 times as much at their next meal because they are so famished. Others overestimate their calorie burn during their exercise and usually eat more throughout the day because they think they burned it all off on their 30-minute treadmill walk or jog, which is highly doubtful for the average person. Others consume way too much protein after their workouts. The typical male can only absorb 20-30 grams of protein every 3-4 hours and the typical female 14-24 grams of protein. Others choose poor nutrient food choices like sweets, chips, and high-calorie beverages and artery clogging saturated fats and artificial trans-fats.

When choosing your post-workout snack keep the following tips in mind:

Tip 1: Go for a carbohydrate-protein mix with a ratio between 2:1 and 3:1 of carbohydrates to protein within 15-30 minutes post workout- especially if you exercise 5-6 days a week.
A few post work-out fuel choices include the following:
•100-calorie whole grain bagel with natural peanut butter
•Odwalla Chocolate Protein Monster with a piece of fruit
•Smartwater and a protein bar like Kashi Go Lean Crunchy
•Vita Top with yogurt or a glass of low-fat milk
•Lite string cheese and a small handful of whole grain crackers
•A yogurt parfait with berries and grape-nuts

Tip 2: Keep the snack between 150-300 calories.

Tip 3: Hydrate.

Whether it is the post workout snack or consuming 1-3 snacks a day depending upon one’s daily caloric needs, the majority of active people, especially athletes, need to make the time to snack smart- especially post-workout. Smart snacking increases energy levels and enhances sport and exercise performance, helps maintain body weight and blood sugar levels- thereby decreasing the risk of bingeing on high-fat, high-sugar foods.


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