Monday, August 3, 2009

Vitamin D- the New Super Nutrient

According to a recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, up to 75% of Americans are not getting the recommended 400 IUs of vitamin D a day. Currently, a committee with the Institute of Medicine is meeting to discuss whether or not to increase the current recommended daily intake (RDI) of this nutrient. Recently the RDI has doubled from 200 IUs per day up to the current 400 IUs per day. Could we be seeing another increase? Stay tuned!

5 interesting notes to point out on the importance of Vitamin D as seen on a recent segment of Good Morning America…

1) Stuck in a weight loss rut? Perhaps you are vitamin-D deficient. Vitamin D seems to promote weight loss.
2) Reduces the risk of death.
3) Reduces the risk of bone fractures.
4) Reduces the risk of heart disease.
5) Helps fight cancer- especially cancer of the colon, breast, and prostate.

So, how do we meet our vitamin D needs?

1) Sun! Obtain 15 minutes of sun exposure 2-3 times a week.
2) Food! Include vitamin-D rich foods into your diet such as low-fat vitamin D fortified milk- 1 cup = 100 IUs of vitamin D; fatty fish like salmon; and egg yolks.
3) Supplementation! I recommend a daily multivitamin-mineral-antioxidant with 400 IUs of D3- the more potent form and perhaps the addition of a separate vitamin D supplement. Some medical professionals recommend up to 1000 IUs of D per day.

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